
By henryfish


So we went out last night to a new local bar with a lovely outdoor terrace. There aren't many nice bars in our area, so this is definitely something to celebrate. And we did. Cocktails, beer, free raspberry liqueur, free shots- we just forgot to notice how much we were drinking. Neither of us are feeling very well today, and we have friends coming round for dinner so the day has so far been spent in shops stocking up. We couldn't face the market.

So this is my hangover cure- a nice cold glass of Cherry Coke. I never touch the stuff unless I've had a few too many, and Irn Bru is not something you often find in Beijing. I can't decide if C was being deliberately cruel by putting it in a Shanghai Bund Brewery beer mug, or that whether, like me, his brain just isn't functioning properly.

Have to start cooking soon. Urgh. Wish us luck.

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