Orla & Conor

By OrlaConor

That's Not My Baby!

Sometimes, I am absolutely flabbergasted by photos of Orla. How can she change so much before my very eyes without me noticing? She seems to suddenly look much older and less baby-ish. Her face has lengthened, she's got a load more hair and her limbs have lengthened as well. She's a lot less chubby around her wrists and ankles. Orla has a bit of red through her hair, and it can be quite funny when it unexpectedly becomes really obvious, like in this picture. She gets that from my Dad's side of the family. I have red in my hair too, but it's a lot less obvious because my hair is so dark.

Today Orla and I went to Bearsden. We went to see my colleague Sarah, and she and I had to discuss a report. Orla very patiently sat on my lap the whole time, she was very good! Sarah gave us a hosta, which I will plant in the garden tomorrow. After that we went to see Sal and Angus. Angus has loads of garden toys - a paddling pool, swing, chute (slide) and sandpit. Mixed reaction from Orla - she loved the swing and chute (expected), wouldn't get in the paddling pool until I stood in it first and really didn't like the sand - she had issues with it being on her hands.

Yesterday Orla was 22 months old. Only 2 months until her second birthday! The rate of her development seems to be accelerating. She can identify colours (yellow, red, green, blue and of course pink), count to 10 and tell me exactly which books she wants rather than just saying "next". Her favourite books are:

Pumpy Pumpy - a book of nursery rhymes, the first one of which is Humtpy Dumpty

Nine toes - 10 little finger and 10 little toes (a lovely book, highly recommended) - no idea why she says nine toes when she can say 10. Maybe she is actually saying "and toes".

Fuffalo - The Gruffalo. Has only recently been elevated to the status of a favourite.

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