A slice of Edinburgh & a spash of colour

This shot is of The Nile Valley Cafe on Potterow (or is it Chapel St?) just next to the Mosque. On a sunny day it is such a cheery splash of colour against the stonework. This little crowd just emerged and started eating so I guess they do take-away - I must give it a go sometime!

A good day today - I saw an investor with one of my clients this morning, and he was very helpful and has made some useful introductions for us. We've also figured out a strategy for an important license negotiation this afternoon, so all in all it's been a productive day.

I am really looking forward to the weekend now, although I have lots to do to catch up at home. A bit of gardeing, some tidy up my dive kit which is still lying in the garage from last weekend, that sort of thing.

I also have plans to spend some time with the lovely and long suffering MrsCyclops who I have hardly seen this week (after being away last weekend) as I've had meetings after work every night!

So many things to do, so little time!

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