Conversations With Time

By wdd


Unbelievable - BLUE SKY!
Must not waste the opportunity for a natural mood enhancer.
Also, a good day to prune roses.
This one, Crepescule, plus, Graham Thomas, plus random shoots and orange bulbous rose hips of 'Lydia'.. that climb over a large arch, have gone wild.. I thought this showed a good comparison to how my head works, or becomes at various times.

Random, Untamed, Ilogical, tangled... scrambled.. nothing remotely 'routine' or 'the expected norm'.

Pruning, like good 'happy drugs', help bring all of those things into 'order', well, a type of order.

The Blue Sky acts as the Prescription for the meds,
The Pruning, is the drugs doing their un tangling, getting ones mind back into logical thought patterns,
The ideal outcome - The Roses will not have been over-pruned and will grow strong, healthy and in a good shape for the next season..... yet, as the season of flowering goes on, the un-tamed tangling will happen once again...

quite deep really..

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