Conversations With Time

By wdd

Diamonds or Pearls

I'm sure that's what Mr R must have been looking at Luci's earlobe for, deciding what she would like better.. Diamond studs or delicate pearl drops.. all in good time Mr R.
It's lovely having close long time friends who have babies around the same age. Tuesday, we finally managed to have a catch-up (the term play-date makes me gag, just ever so slightly..not as bad as 'Yummy Mummy' - how I despise that term...) catch up with Jude and Rachel and Reuban and Gabe... In future, Luci, who like her brother is forming a good sized harem, shouldn't be short of a date.
At the end of the day, as I say to Luciana's brother - who is a mighty flirt, and very good at the 'come up to my room and see my etchings' hand holding to little girl friends who come to visit.... , "No one likes a player".. so will have to make sure that the same understanding is drummed into the wee girl too.

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