a town called E.

By Eej


The Beloved wanted cilantro in the herb-department of the veggie-patch and we made it so. I'm not a HUGE fan of eating it, but saying it is fun*.
I've been told that's not how you pronounce it, but I'm not really bothered by that. My status as a foreigner makes it easy for me to get away with quirky pronunciations :)

Work is moving along quite nicely. We hit some bumps today, but we managed to either walk around them, or dig through them.
We're almost to the point though, where other peoples schedules might stagnate ours. It's like driving into a traffic-jam; as long as you're moving, no matter how slow, you're fine. It's the thought of standing still with nowhere to go that's excruciating.
We'll see. AND it's almost friday :)

I kinda like it BIG

*I also love saying Popocatepetl and Guadalajara. Seriously, try it. It's almost liberating.

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