I Write with Light

By petespics


After work I rocked on down to Bordeaux harbour and got a coffee at Woodies.
Just across and up the road is WILD chickens roaming about. I've always wanted to get a photo of them in the wild!!!
I walked up a path and noticed the path itself looked like a good photo shot. I shot off a few and headed to the chooks.
When I got there they all scarped in to the wilds. I only had my compact so a zoom was no good.
Having been defeated by the WILD chooks I headed back with my head down in shame.
But I was not to be defeated, I carried on back up the path taking photos of the path from different angles.
Being satisfied with my shots I headed home.
I've down loaded Aperture 3 from apple and have found it great for my photo library and editing.
This was the best of them all.
Well another nice sunny day tomorrow. Hope you all have a nice day too.

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