Wendy's World

By Wendles56

The Bourse

I think anyone visiting Leeds with a camera must take a blip in the Bourse courtyard..because it's there!

My idea of a shopping trip to Leeds is to arrive on the 9am train and leave on the 9.56. Somewhere along the ancestral line the shopping gene went missing. I always have my route mapped out in a circuit from the station and I don't deviate (unless it's to look at fleeces because a girl can never have enough!)

Today I had several things on my shopping list: train tickets for London; Icelandic krona for Tony; printer cartridges; 3 for 2 novels; three pairs of Bridgedale walking socks and a map of the Coast to Coast cycle route. I missed the 09.56 by a whisker because...yes I stopped to look at fleeces and then my printer cartridges set off the shop alarm and I had to empty my bag full of goodies for the assistant (the PC World girl had forgotten to security swipe them!) However, that gave me time to stop off for a Starbucks take away mocha with skinny peach and raspberry muffin then a leisurely sit in the empty carriage reading 'Drood' until the train departed. The only thing missing was the Coast to Coast map which is apparently being reprinted, so job's a good 'un!

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