With mountains like these

By Sollergirl

There's always hope

Our paths are strewn with petals.
New tracks of dreams forged up to the hills
impressed upon the earth;
Those more well trodden reveal
each new unseen layer of stone.
We smear the atoms beneath us.
As memories are retraced,
our paths are strewn with petals.

My vuelta of the town was well strewn with petals (ok, botanists - these are leaves) and coffee. I saw orisit on her way to the Holy land of Blipdom, a Mallorquin friend and mum from school who I don't get to talk to much and then met an old friend who left the island a while ago. She is on her way to Rwanda with VSO. I wish you luck, love and happiness and a fascinating year Julia! I just managed not to cry as you left on the train back to Palma.
Then I caught up with Mich, my boys in tow and finally back home. These vueltas are getting longer and longer, but they must be doing me some good, surely!

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