
By misspixter

'Mummy have I not been through enough....'

Having a great week so far, Luke's on school hols, the weathers great and spending loads of time with both my boys in the garden. Its a welcome change from last week, which was rough because Joey was pretty poorly and we were back and forth to the hospital again. Anyway after steriods and antibiotics and lots of sleepless nights, he's back to his smiley, happy self (except understandably in this picture lol!), thankfully as I missed his happy little face. I know the first few years are gonna be tough with him when he gets ill but we'll get there. He's had an overnight monitoring study off the oxygen and did absolutely fine just before he got ill (typical) so he's having another one this friday and if he does well again he can come off the oxygen completely for a week and then they will monitor him overnight again and if he is still good then its GOODBYE oxygen!!!!!!! Fingers and toes crossed.

We are gearing up for some world cup mayhem, hence the wig. I figure being in a household of mainly males, if you can't beat em join COME ON ENGLAND. ;o)

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