
By disdatdudda

"De Tiid Haldt Gjin Skoft" *

* (happy birthday?)

FLOWERS - MISLAID CARD (or penny poem pinching...?)

Some men never think of it.
Some mothers never do this really

You did. You'd come along
I did. I'd come along

And say you'd nearly brought me flowers
And say I'd nearly brought you a card

But something had gone wrong.
But something had gone terribly wrong

The shop was closed. Or you had doubts ?
I hid it somewhere and couldn't remember where!!

The sort that minds like ours
The sort of thing than only me myself I

Dream up incessantly. You thought
Could do effortlesly. I thought

I might not want your flowers.
I would find it in time

It made me smile and hug you then.
(I hope) it makes you smile and hug me...now?

Now I can only smile.
And it makes you smile for a loong time

But, Look, the flowers you nearly bought
But, Oi!! The card i couldn't find

Have lasted all this while.
Should last you for a while.

Wendy Cope Disdatdudda

have a great day Mauro!!!
never!...are you really?...you look ever so young?...you must be a gemini...hmm...

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