Looks Good To Me

By Pilipo

Another Plumbing Project

This was a lot easier than the last one. Not only was it a simpler installation, but the working conditions were more comfortable -- I did the job sitting backwards on the seat with the lid down. C wanted to blip me in the act. Can you imagine the comments that would have gotten?

C saw the kit on a great DIY blog called Young House Love. It replaces the standard lever/plunger flush with a pushbutton-activated dual flush. Not only is it "green", but it saves money for those of us who pay for our water by the gallon, and it only costs $20.

As for the claim on the box ,"Installs in 10 minutes without tools", the first one I installed took me over an hour, but a lot of that was due to being too fussy about adjusting the flush quantity. The second one only took 15 minutes. I wouldn't have needed tools if I'd noticed that the lever pivot had a left hand thread.

I'm hoping this is my last plumbing project for a while. C has plenty of other projects to keep me out of trouble and off the streets.

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