
By stills

The moving ways of Cockburn Street

I love the description of how art is exhibited in Diaspar, the fictional futuristic city in Arthur C. Clarke's novel The City and The Stars (the inspiration behind the current exhibition at Stills). If only it was so easy for galleries and museums in 2010 to judge how an audience is responding to a particular work!

'It was the custom of the city's artists, and everyone in Diaspar was an artist at some time or another, to display their current productions along the side of the moving ways, so that the passers-by could admire their work. In this manner, it was usually only a few days before the entire population had critically examined any noteworthy creation, and also expressed its views upon it. the resulting verdict, recorded automatically by opinion-sampling devices which no one had ever been able to suborn or deceive, and there had been enough attempts, decided the fate of the masterpiece. If there was a sufficiently affirmative vote, its matrix would go into the memory of the city so that anyone who wished, at any future date, could possess a reproduction utterly indistinguishable from the original.
The less successful pieces went the way of all such works. They were either dissolved back into their original elements, or ended up in the homes of the artists' friends.'

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