Pancake in a bond fire

Listening to Emma Salokoski Enseble's 'Veden alla'. iTunes in 'repeat 1' mode

This is one of those days. One of the best. One of those days after which one can pat oneself in the back and say: "Good work! Actually, you are not so bad of a guy after all."

This is the day that provides a light far to the future.

I've facilitated a study group for a bunch of <substitute with what ever appraisal you wish> university student. The topic has been 'effective team working', more or less. Today's topic was 'leadership' and we concentrated on non-authoritative leadership.

Have you, by the way, ever read the book 'Fearless Change' by Linda Rising? There's a bunch of excellent patterns to get people more relaxed & to share ideas. 'Do Food' is one of them. And indeed it worked.

We went to a local beach with a camp fire. In there, we did some magic and cooked these delicious pancakes with the-one-and-only Muurikka pan.

What an effect that had! The trust & respect we have within the group. The unity in being. The diversity of thoughts, all of which were more than welcomed by us all.

I have never experienced anything like that. I only wish I could try that one time within my work. Well, it only takes some magic to perform this in my organisation - no reason not to try. No reason not to make it happen.

I love, by the way, the magic we all can do to make our world a bit better place.

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