
By mar

The longest journey begins with a single step.

The longest journey begins with a single step.
- Lao Tsu, Tao Te Ching

Today was the annual Bridgnorth Sponsored Walk, a 26 mile run/walk that brings hundreds to our town and raises thousands of pounds towards charities. It's been combined with the Bridgnorth Food Festival this year.

On our way into high town, Michael and Charlotte diverted to the caves and rivers. Charlotte loves going with Daddy on these walks as he grew up here and knows everything like the back of his hands. I tend to wait on the banks waiting like a lump on a log but love watching them exploring together.

When we finally made it up the town, it was so crowded, you couldn't move. It's funny as we don't mind visiting towns like this but we tend to get annoyed when it's in our own town. Completely selfish, I know. But we walked the streets, decided on the food and got out quickly. (You can tell the cotton candy man liked Charlotte - he made it 3 times larger than the normal one!). I could name drop and say Robert Plant was there, but he lives here so it's not that big of a deal really.

Just when I thought we were going to head home, it was decided we would go for a walk along the river. Sounds tranquil, doesn't it? Except for when they just kept walking and walking and walking ... then, not so fun (for me anyway). Yes, it was all wonderful with Charlotte and Michael catching dragonflies and naming birds/trees/flowers (and picking daisy for another trepidation experiment) but it was A LOT of walking. I don't do walking. After about an hour, when I was convinced they were trying to kill me, I stopped and turned around.

Eventually they followed.

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