A time for everything

By turnx3

Out on the bike trail

Just Roger and I home this weekend - yesterday I helped Laura move stuff into the apartment she's sharing this coming year in Oxford. She's sharing with three other girls, two of whom are staying in Oxford over the summer. Having moved her stuff in, she is staying up there for the weekend with her friends, and I came back home. Today we bought a tree (a weeping cherry) and some shrubs to go in our front garden, and Roger spent the rest of the day putting them in, whilst I told him where I wanted them, and planted out a few containers in the back. With temperatures in the upper 80s and pretty high humidity, I definitely had the easier option! Somehow though, Roger still had energy to join me biking in the late afternoon.

One year ago, I see we were out on the bike trail then too, though a different section - Light through leaves

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