Hi Hi Piplings

I haven't seen Waybuloo for a while because it's not on the bedtime hour anymore. But Mum and Dad Sky-plussed it so now I can watch it whenever I like. I get very excited when it comes on and like to copy the Piplings when they do their yogo. I am watching it in my favourite chair, which has Peppa Pig on it. I like it because it has Peppa Pig on it and because I can carry it around and then sit on it in different places, like in the kitchen for instance if Mum is in there. You can get a good look at my new sandals in this picture too!

Yesterday we learnt a very valuable lesson about feeding Orla. I made her a chickpea and vegetable concoction for her dinner, but she was in a mood by the time it was ready because she was hungry, and immediately refused it. I tried to give her some and she knocked the fork out of my hand. I was quite stressed too so it made for a bad situation all round. In the end I asked her what she wanted and she said a popple (an apple). So I gave her half an apple, sliced. Then I put the chick peas in front of her again, without any fuss, and left her to it. She ate nearly the whole lot. So, lessons learned - give her something she knows she likes first, don't force it on her and let her eat in her own good time.

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