Don?t Know Nuffink

By Mrski1

Contrasting Day

You know that feeling when you wake up and you cant be arsed moving from where you are? Well this morning was one of those days, especially when I could hear that outside it was chucking it down, however I had planned on meeting Stuart so I dragged myself out of bed and headed for breakfast.

Things didn't get much better when I loaded the bike into the car, I must have only been out for two minutes but I looked like I had been for a swim in the Ythan. As I got to Pitfichie car park the weather had worsened, but since I was a bit more awake now I didn't mind so much, we got on the bikes and headed up the hill.

It was bloody hard work even on the fire roads, it felt like we were trying to cycle through treacle, then on the first singletrack climb we had to cycle our way through a small stream that was running down the track and turning the surface into soft slippery mud.

We soon arrived at the top of Green Hill and started the descent, I went at it in my usual flat out way, wondering if I was still going to be exiting the massive puddles the right way up, thankfully both myself and Stuart got down without any crashes.

The next climb then took us up into the clouds, needless to say we didn't stay at the summit for long. As we made our way down the hill I soon caught Stuart as he couldn't see through his glasses any longer, I would have stopped for the same reason however my brakes which were pretty worn before we started were now down to metal, as I applied the brakes they made a lot of horrid squealing, but provided very little in the way of stopping power. I then let Stuart go first on the straight descent down the fire road, although my lack of brakes soon meant I had to scream at him


I blasted past and arrived at the bottom with the disc's a bright blue colour and smoking from the excessive heat, in a strange way having no brakes was very satisfying and extremely thrilling!

I got home just in time to watch the last 20 laps or so of the F1, and see the Red Bull's trip each other up, before making some venison steak for tea. As I looked out of the kitchen window I noticed the sun was beaming through the clouds and everything had dried up, so I popped out down by the river for a wander.

Spying on cows

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