Hoppy Days

By hoppydays

Hangin' with GG

Today we had lots of visitors. Kerr's Granny and Grandad, Great Auntie Hazel, Great Uncle Gavin and Great Auntie Barbara (from Ann Arbor, Michigan), and GG (Great Granny) all came round for a visit and a bite of lunch. It was a busy house, but lovely to catch up with everyone, and an excuse to make some mars bar crispy cake too!

This photo shows Kerr with GG and Auntie Hazel. He was loving all the attention and kisses and cuddles.

Uncle Gavin had his ipad with him, so we got to have a wee play with it - very cool! Smaller and neater than I imagined it to be, and very like a giant iphone, but still really cool, and would be fab to own one! However, I have absolutely no need for one, and need to save our pennies for the house extension.

Grandpa also popped over late afternoon to take Fudge for a walk for us. The house is quiet now, all visitors have left. A relaxing evening ahead, and maybe a wee glass of wine.

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