Serendipity Sylvia

By SerendipitySylv

Slug Story

As a child I collected slugs and snails of all colours, shape and sizes.

I remember that I would keep them secretly in a small suitcase hidden from my mum in my bedroom overnight with leaves I picked to feed them.

On one occasion my mum had unexpected visitors so my sister and I were sent to our grans to stay the night, whilst her visitors slept in our bedroom. My mum was awoken with the sound of her visitors screaming in the room next door.

They had escaped all 60+ slugs and snails!!

They were on everything in the bedroom including our rather perplexed visitors. In may haste to go to my grans house i had left the suitcase sitting open at the bottom of my open wardrobe.

I never knew they could travel so far in one night!

I bet that's the last thing anybody would expect to wake up to in a little girls room!!!!!

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