Simon's 20XX Journal

By simondownie

Ya ne ponimayu poh rooskie

Today was a bit of a funny day, I went out for a cycle in the morning - 23 or so miles, in blazing hot isn't like that in Scotland, let me tell you!  So that was good, then I made it home (downhill all the way, good times!) cleaned up, and went to the supermarket...guess who found BACON!  Happy days, one of the things I had been missing a lot since being away from home.  I never used to eat it that much, but I really missed it when other people were talking about it!

It has been hot here too, about 30 degrees some have said, so I decided to stay in for a bit.  Then I got a call about 4.  I had forgotten that I arranged to help a local lad learn some English!  I was a little apprehensive about this, since he knew very little English, and I know next to no Russian.  So I went down and met him (also aware that this might be a scam somehow!), and we went to a coffee shop and practiced.  It was quite a nice experience and Kanat is a pretty nice I said we could meet up again on Wednesday and we could make some more learnings :)

This is what I photoed!

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