Par Mes Yeux

By MesYeux

New Friends

I am thoroughly convinced that when the day comes for me to take account of my life, that which will stick out the most will be the people I have met. I have traveled rather extensively and have met people from the far corners of this world. I truly feel as though my life has been enriched as a result.

This is Raik, from Germany, and Ronald, from Holland. One of my very good friends, Richard, got married in Galveston, and he and his wife had guests arrive from several different locations. With my affinity for all things European (including the people), I immediately took a shine to these fellows. Bart, who is not pictured, is also from Holland. I enjoyed so much meeting and hanging out with these guys.

I can't wait until my next trip to Europe. Fortunately, that'll be rather short in coming. =)

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