All the fun of the fair

We went along to the Three Harbours Real Ale and Seafood Festival today. A rare case of everyone being catered for. There were rides for the kids, a real ale tent, a seafood tent with huge pans of paella on the go, fresh lobster, langoustines and buckets of mussels and live music.

I'm pretty sure I saw two other blippers wandering around but I was balancing a pint of Stewarts IPA, three glasses of Irn Bru and four Hot Dogs at the time so couldn't catch them up. Besides which I could have been wrong and walking up to a stranger and saying " Hi, are you Sweet Potato Sky" could be a bit embarrassing. I'll be checking their journals later though.

After that it was a visit to Mrs Smith's mum to check in on her and then home to make dinner for Mrs S who has been slaving away at work all day and missed out on the fun.

The Three Harbours event is on tomorrow too and I can recommend it, especially if the sun manages to fight its way out.

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