Skip's Blips

By Skip


This little chipmunk was sunning himself on the fence rail about two steps away when I noticed him. I grabbed two quick shots before he ran off. He was so close, I didn't have to crop this picture at all! As appealing as he is, I still had a tough time deciding on my blip for today, Chipper or a young buck with fuzzy antlers that had just begun to sprout. The buck was only a few feet away from me too, and the light was really nice in both pictures. After going back and forth between the two shots, I finally decided Chipper should have the honors. Another shot of a deer will be more likely to happen than another shot of a chipmunk this close to me and sitting still. That's almost amazing.

In yesterday's blip I mentioned the miserably sticky weather and the thunderstorm that was predicted for last night. Well, the thunderstorm never happened, but the temperature did drop 10 degrees or so, and the hot, sticky air moved out of here. I think it must have gone over to Pennsylvania. It was lovely here today, and I actually accomplished some laundry and cleaning. Hip, hip, hooray for low humidity!

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