Chalking the Menu
Barrioboy and I treated ourselves to a tapas lunch today in the barrio of Poble Sec to celebrate our victory of my new replacement iphone. It was a long process and took almost 6 weeks and lots of chasing up and phone calls .....but this morning we bought the replacement phone! Yes! Fingers crossed that this one doesn't get stolen! Lunch was in a lovely old bustling tapas bar we'd heard about, but never been to before. One of their specialities is a dollop of creme fraiche, smoked salmon, honey and a drizzling of balsamic vinegar served on a slice of toasted Spanish bread. A strange combination but really delicious and one I'll be trying myself! Barrioboy was quick off the mark and got his blip in the tapas bar. My shot today was where we ended up for coffee and a piece of carrot cake after walking round Poble Sec. It's called Bar Sortidor and all the windows are beautiful stained glass, but I liked this b\w pic. Great place for blipping so return visits are assured to both places!
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