Buzz on the Green

Had problems getting a Blip today.

Not much time.

Everytime I was about to photograph something interesting the sun disappeared and the rain showers started!

This picture ended up being the only useable one. Even then I processed it almost to death to try to rescue it and make it a bit interesting.

Apologies as I know it's not everyone's cup of tea but I was reasonably happy with the result.

Processing Notes:

I remember most but maybe not everything that I did but here goes. First I processed the RAW image. This involved adjustments to Temperature, Contrast, Vibrance and saturation.

I then cloned out a power line and the shadow of a lamppost.

Then I used Topaz Adjust (Clarity) to bring out detail and emphasis.

Then I used Topaz Simplify Buzz Sim which I tweaked in various ways.

Then I sharpened the overall image.

Then I used Adjustment - Replace Colour ? mainly on the Tree on the right to change
from a slightly pink shade to more rust/red.

Finally I burnt in the figures slightly to make them a bit more prominent in the scene.

(The further away figure is a guy walking his dog and I particularly like the little dog up the hill on the right even thought its a tiny part of the scene).

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