This day

By snapper

Nosey Cow!

Yet another school has pulled out of the event due to teacher shortage, and the usual excuse "cycling proficiency" which is now sub-contracted to some saftey company who will no doubt be charging plenty to go round the schools.

Why must these activities be during school time?

If parents are wondering why their little prescious Posh & Becks arn't performing academically it is because they are learning to ride bikes, go swimming, do masses of physical education, go for week long outdoor activity holidays climbing, canoeing, gorge walking etc etc etc!

If these things were taken out of the academic calander and the time give over to proper teaching, I am sure little Posh & Becks would learn more and if parents still wanted their prescious wee gems to do activities, then they could take them themselves! I know I am going to hear the arguement but what about those that can't afford it?

Well I have taught in schools with some of these kids and while I appreciate their dilema, their parents still managed to go to Magaluff and Ibiza twice a year while I could not!

We are hearing about council's having to cut , yet this cooncill sent over half a dozen employees to a H&S event in England, missed their flights due to volcanic ash so had to be put up in a hotel and flights re scheduled, how much did all that cost? and was it necessarry to send more than 1person?

I hear of teachers going on Personal Development courses yet realy they don't make that much of a diffirence.

What I am saying is that they could make huge savings in education alone if they stopped all this crazy inhouse activites and that way kids would have more class time for learning

So what do the councils cut?

they hit the more vulnerable and close centres that provide respite and some activity that helps these less fortunate (no thats not the right term) because these people have the love and support of their families so in some cases that makes them more fortunate, so the term I should be looking for is perhaps less able? Anyhows, folks with Down's Syndrome, Cerebal Palsy, MS, these people need support and their carers need support so what do the councils do? they close centres, reduce or take away transport, cut respite care, in the meantime little Posh & Becks can rest safe in the knowledge that they still get to learn how to ride their bikes!

Have a good blip weekend all

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