Shutter Trolle

By ShutterTrolle

Sharing Knowledge

I have decided to take a new approach to my blipping. Instead of watching for scenes that capture my attention, I am going to focus on picking an area of the city and then explore within that area for intersting captures. Today I chose the Ross Bay area along the waterfront and it was an incredible success! I decided to start in this area because I spotted some interesting bushes flowering along the side of the road. I had to park about 50 yards down the road and I found so many intersting things as I was walking back up the beach that I never made it back to the bushes!

I spent an hour or so along the beach photographing flowers, driftwood and rocks. At one point I took a break to finish my coffee and looked around at the other people enjoying the beach. The day was comfortable with a bright overcast and many people were out enjoying the break from the rain. Down the beach I noticed this grandfather playing in the waves with his grandson. It appeared to me that the grandfather was teaching his grandson something and after watching them for a bit I noticed that the grandson was copying his grandfather. I was able to isolate them from the rest of the people on the beach and captured this moment where they are in sync with each other, creating this charming scene.

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