
By nina


Today I went to Helsinki for some errands. When I was almost done my mobile rang and I saw that it was my friend Sanna. I hadn't talked to her for some while, which is unusual. She was also about to come to the center of town and she asked if we could meet.

So we did. We had a cuppa at Bar Ysi (which is mainly a cafe´) and Sanna had a sandwich. She is one of my best friends, if not best of the best.

Sanna is a truly genuine person. She is warm and intelligent and she is a very talented dancer and teacher in dancing. Sanna is also a mother of two children, which has given her a lot of perspective in life. We have always connected on a very deep level and we can discuss anything. And that is exactly what we have done, also today.

I love to share my thoughts and feelings with her whether there are difficulties and challenges or times of pure joy. We laugh together and we cry together. I love Sanna, she is beautiful. Both inside and outside

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