Life in Fife ©

By LifeInFife

The Rain is a coming!

Set off for my walk this evening the weather was chilly but bright. About 5 minutes into my walk there was a huge roll and clap of thunder. I looked to the sky and towards the north was a heavy dark cloud over the quarry. Choices - head for home or brave it out. I decided on the latter. The wind dropped and nothing came of the thunder so I was able to continue up through the woods as planned

Missed some lovely rabbit shots as my camera takes too long to fire up! Damn it

At the very top of the hill and as far away from home as I intended to go another load roar from the thunder clouds. Time to stop snapping and head for home I said to Poppy. I know we need rain and that its ESSENTIAL for the crops but I really do not like getting wet!

So as we meandered back towards home I caught this shot over the edge of the village. Got home dry (fortunately) and although the wind has picked up now we still have no rain - perhaps the storm has skirted round us and is now heading up the coast or out to sea :-)

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