Rain on the window
Usually I'm woken up by the light streaming into my room, this morning I was dragged back to conciousness by an awful ragged, rattling noise. On closer inspection this turned out to be my own breathing. Sounds like I've smoked 50 (Capstan Full Strength) a day, for 30 years! Slightly worrying since I'm a life -long non-smoker. Add to this a sore throat and a hacking cough - bluurgh, no morning swim for me today.
One of the great pleasures of Blipfoto is seeing the everyday stuff from blippers around the world. I think of it as Mass Observation in pictures. I'm sure in the future this huge archive of the daily doings of everyday folk will be of immense interest to sociologists and the like. I see Cabbagetree Cottage is having an even damper day on the other side of the world . . . isn't that amazing :)
Busy day ahead so I thought I'd use my swimming time to blip earlier, rather than later. It's raining in a very determined fashion here - I like the way the macro lens picks out the drops in the centre of this blip and the inverted reflections of the outside world in every one.
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