Two and Two...
I found a brilliant free podcast and have just been devouring it in the couple of weeks or so. The first time I heard it, I thought it was going to be silly because the presenter speaks with what I construed as a condescending tone whilst responding to some of his feedback e-mails.
I'm glad that I persevered to find out that he actually speaks like that all the time and turned out to be very much the opposite of my first impressions. His normal episode outside of responding to feedback tackles pop culture myths and not so much aims to de-bunk them but thoroughly researches them and presents the evidence or lack thereof. Basically he is trying to spread a culture of critical analysis and thinking. Some very interesting subjects.
A wee thing he often adds is his 2 and 2. Recommend his podcast to 2 people and take 2 minutes to do a review or recommend on networking sites. So I recommend to you, the thoroughly interesting 10 minute episodic Skeptoid podcast that is at it's 207th episode with every one of them online. I believe it's available on iTunes or you can get the details from the website.
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