The Wolf Journal

By wolfjournal

Africa Unity Day

It's Africa Unity Day, a public holiday in Ghana, as it celebrates the formation of the Organization of African Unity (OAU), now the African Union (AU), by Kwame Nkrumah (see Sunday's blip for more info). I think I will be celebrating with a cold beer tonight :-)

So.. unite with this guy!

As I understood that not everyone really knows what I am actually doing here, I'll try to explain in brief. I will be looking at the effectiveness of protected areas (or Imported Bird Areas, to be precise) for the protection of European migrating birds (and again to be precise: passerines), by means of a case-study: Mole National Park in the North of Ghana. There I wil be going soon, where I will be studying the land-cover and I will be conducting interviews, particularly addressing the question how and why the land has changed in the last decades, and if that was good or not so good for the birds.

Hope that explains a bit; if you still have questions, drop me a line!

Backblipped yesterday!

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