By wellsforzoe

More Fluffies

Having learned about how to rear chickens, these women have bought 50 chickens under our micro credit scheme.
Wells for Zoe give them a loan at zero interest to buy the chickens and the chicken food.
The villagers look after the chickens for 6 weeks and sell them, pay back the loans and make excellent profit.

Harisen writes:

I was trying to attach more pictures but the internet is not ok.
I collected chickens for Sonda and Ekaiweni.
Fraser, Symon and Florence will go to Freedom Gardens on Monday.


The Freedom Gardens referred to is an organic farm near Lilongwe, the Capital city, about 4 hours by bus, where we send these villagers for a week, to train in organic farming.
They will reside and eat there and learn by doing.
They will return, at the end of the week, with some of their chosen seeds and pass on the acquired knowlwdge to other villages.

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