My Aim is True


Where is it?

So. Off I went to work, in my linen look safari suit. As I skipped through Princes Street Gardens swinging my satchel and listening to those very sweary chaps from Glasvegas I felt like I was dressed to picnic at Glyndebourne. And I even got an iced coffee en route.

Harumph. Went out at lunchtime, and it was a little nippy. By the time I came home tonight it was bloody freezing. I should ne'er have casted those clouts (I have a feeling that if you look back to previous May blips of mine, I may have used that phrase)

So. What else have I to report. Hmmm. I just wish my mega views on yesterday's blip had been for something more exciting than boring old Princes Street Gardens.

And by the way, did you know that this was written by him

I have spent some considerable time trying to decide where this marathon picture on this magazine was taken.

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