Fanboy (n)
A popular term of abuse among geeks and nerds for a person who uncritically praises or buys a company's products as soon as they're released. Usually used by fanboys of another company or platform. The type of person who would buy an iPad without ever having seen one and having only read the Apple website and various reviews that have nothing but praise for the device (or having discounted any criticism). Anyway, it's not for me it's for Mandy.
Or, the type of person who, fearing a day baking in the office and having left off as many clothes as self-respect, decorum and the law will allow, puts their face as close as possible to the spinning blades of their desk fan, without shredding their face.
Today was also the day that I started reading The Fanatic and got the new albums by Villagers and Stornoway. A very fan-fllled day.
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