Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

The Best Week!

Well, after yesterday's Frittata story, seems crazy to explain that . . .

the anniversary magic, miracle, and moment has begun at the "Fun" house.

We celebrate the 29th of every month, but none of the other eleven is better than the 29th of May . . . this coming Saturday.

Our philosophy has always been "Why celebrate one day when we can celebrate the entire week, or the entire month, or if we're just crazy enough, the entire year."

So this year our anniversary is a big one -- well, they are all big, but this one ends with the numeral five. We're entirely too young to be married this many years, (but we wouldn't give away one of those years).

We decided a long time ago that lots of money is spent on weddings but not nearly enough on anniversaries. So we've done our best to balance that and celebrate our anniversary.

We are getting ready to celebrate -- but no one here except the two of us knows. So as the week unfolds we're going to tell a few of the details (maybe), but you'll have to promise not to tell anyone.

We've been living the "happily ever after" for years (and everyone knows the happy is not always so happy). This week we're going to celebrate the years and all that they have contained and the miracle of what we've experienced.

So let it be officially known: The Anniversary Week has begun!

Good night from Southern California.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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