
By bulliblip

mr blue sky

No complaints about the weather from me! It's glorious.

Today, we returned home from a lovely couple of nights in Wales with Diverdriver and Happyframe to find a letter on the doorstep.... from the little girl I sponsor in Haiti! She is safe and well. HOORAY! Her home was destroyed but she writes:

"Many people died and houses were destroyed. My house collapsed. I was so sad because of the destruction but glad that my entire family was safe. I have carried on praying for you in England every day, thank you for praying for me."

She is only 10 years old and even in all of the horror of the earthquake and aftermath she says that she prays for us daily - what a sobering letter to receive! And spookily (or not) we got that letter straight after listening to an amazing young guy talking about the work he does in Haiti at Diver/Happy's church.

Hope others have enjoyed the sun too!

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