mrs monochrome

By mrsmonochrome

Water Babies (again!)

This week Mr Mono went in the pool with Aidan. Aidan enjoyed it much more this week than last. He even laughed and smiled! Got some videos, pity I can't put them on here.

Then Aidan and I went to see my friend, G, in Crieff for the last time before she moves to Dubai on Tuesday. We will miss her dearly but we're very happy for her too.

Another warm day here in Scotland! Wonder how long this is going to last?!

So tired today, haven't been sleeping as well due to the warm weather and for some reason Aidan has had a dirty nappy around 5.50am each morning for the last 3/4 days. Hopefully this will stop soon as I don't know what's causing it.

Aidan was in a really good mood today. He enjoyed swimming then seemed to have a great time in Crieff. He was a little fussy tonight but I think he was just tired from his busy day.

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