The Wolf Journal

By wolfjournal


Another day of talks and preparations for the field work next week. Probably Thursday next week I will be going to Mole NP in the Northern region.

For the first time since being in Accra I've been to the city center (though only after dark, so I haven't actualy seen any of it), by tro-tro. Tro-tro's are the main public transport here, filling the gap between buses and taxis. For almost no money you can hop on anywhere at any time, going to any place to wish. That is, if you can figure out the system they are using, where the particular tro-tro is going and if you are prepared to melt down inside, being squeezed in between too many others. The latter is especially true if you happen to be one of the first entering the tr-tro at a tro-tro station, because it won't leave before it's absolutely full and they won't let you wait outside (it's vital to actually see you occuoying the seat, apparently). So that was another adventure, sort of.

At night I met with Marijn, a girl I met at the airport Monday who is working for an NGO here for the next 3 months. Together with her and 3 others (an Austrian guy from the UN and an an American couple working for two different NGOs) we went for a typically Ghanaian dish: pizza. I must say I like the Ghanaian food, consisting mainly of rice or some kind of dough product and meat or fish in a spicy sauce, but something different once in a while is good too. Actually Osu, where I was last night, is the more up-scale part of town where most westerners go. In some places you might even forget that you're actually in Africa, such as in the Irish pub.

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