Family picnic

Another glorious, hot and sunny day today, so we packed up a picnic and headed down to the ford over the river at the wonderfully-named 'Old Man's Bottom', which is only a few minutes from home. My sister and brother-in-law were visiting today, so they joined us too, and so did my Dad, so there were seven of us altogether from three generations, which was just wonderful.

Grace paddled in the ford and in the river and played on the 'beach' (really a sandy river bank). She also made up an imaginary 'castle' out of a grassy mound, complete with throne, bedroom and bathroom, and spent the afternoon inviting us all into her new 'home'. Ophelia scoffed down copious amounts of food, then had a bit of a roll around on the picnic blanket, but spent much of the afternoon dozing in her chair.

Later, my sister and I went for a walk through the woods next to the river, where I found my first geocache. If I had one of those handheld GPS devices, I'd seriously enjoy this as a hobby!

This is what summer afternoons were made for :)

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