just sitting,

By justsitting

May your days be ..


What a beautiful day. Up to the girls swimming lessons where we had a very boring chat about a change of pool location, so sadly I never got to see the girls swimming. This is return journey. Scootering is a serious business.

When we came back, my mum and dad were here, along with some of E's friends, over for the baby visit. We had lunch together and then A and R went to Deep Sea world with my folks, and they loved it.
After E's pal headed off I took baby B off to see some old neighbours and get some grub for dinner. Same as last night's walk, just as I was settling for a wee sit down on a bench, she awoke, so I had to leg it home for her to get her mum.

Looking forward to a calm night with the paper and The Craig Charles Funk and Soul Show.

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