Potting Shed
Busy day today, first stop the Breast Screening Unit (sorry guys but it's important!) whilst Tony was at the supermarket (Saturday's are always multi-tasking days) then to the garden centre. As we turned into the carpark Tony suggested an early lunch at the Potting Shed. I didn't take much persuading. I have blipped this wonderful garden centre cafe before, but I thought you might like to see it in full glory. It's probably best viewed in large (I think I've mastered that now. I can't remember if I said last time that they bake bread in plant pots, it's worth a visit for that.
Since lunch we have both been in separate parts of the house on our computers, Tony on his Masters (deadline looming before his visit to Iceland!!) and me marking as per usual. Now it's quick bath and off to Verity and Jim's for a meal at theirs (hopefully in the garden as it's been such a lovely day!) Happy Weekend Everyone!
ps I like the guy in the corner rubbing his head.
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