Suzy's Scenes

By suzyscenes

Sunset Bay

What a long week it has been; Friday couldn't come soon enough. It has been a week of rain showers and wonderful clouds. I haven't been able to find much to blip this week.

Tonight, we have been having rain and hail and dark skies. I told my husband I just wish I could find a rainbow to take a shot of, and lo and behold, about 10 minutes later I looked out the french doors and there was a beautiful rainbow. I could see the whole rainbow arching over several houses, but my camera could not capture all of it, and what I did get was not that great.


I just have to get a new camera that can do a rainbow justice.

After the rainbow, I went outside and saw that in the south the sky was so pink with beautiful clouds, so I jumped in the car and headed to the beach ( about 15 minutes away). On the way there, I have to cross a draw bridge, and wouldn't you know, it was opening up, so the traffic was backed up. The view, though, was beautiful. But, again, my camera did not do it justice.

Scene from the draw bridge

After the draw bridge, I finally made it to the beach, and it was gorgeous. I think my little camera did a pretty good job of this scene, and I didn't alter it a bit.

I still want a new camera though, and photoshop. Not much to ask, is it.

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