Whispers of Little Urchin

By littleurchin

Living undetected

Plants are always among us, pretty things that some poeple ignore carelessly, or study or even collect. We never actually notice that the flower is actually alive. These flowers are living undetected.We dont really think about how they manage to reproduce, or how they get pollen to travel from plant to plant. They grow, they live, just like us. We have been learning about plants alot in Science recently. Did you know that a flowers petals look nice and are scented so they can attract insects? well, you know now. Maman is not feeling great at all. I hope she is better soon- i hate seeing her ill. Isnt it strange that such obvious living things are just not noticed? Its like not noticing a young child running around in a park.

No maths on Fridays, and then the weekend. Three days without maths. Bliss

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