
By dogwithnobrain


Life is looking up for boy.

Boy is my first born and has spent the last year in limbo. He decided late on in the school year, that a sporting Scholarship was what he would like to do. We signed up with an Agency, with whom I have to say I am disappointed.

There has been little or no contact with them (the agency) for 5/6 months, but now, a whirlwind of activity. Schools making offers, but quite frankly, disappointing offers, despite the promises of the agency that 85%-95% would be what to expect.

However, the event causing us most excitment, is an offer, and after considering the Sporting side of things which really excited him - he applied and fulfilled all the academic requirments too. He has been accepted on to two courses, BA in English and Creative Writing, or Sociology.

He has been awarded a small bursary, now the work begins to drag up enough money to get him over there and keep him living in the manner to which he is accustomed.

Everyone keeps saying, "will you not be sad when he goes".

Of course I bloody will be. He is my first born and caused me no end of agony during birth.

But besides that, he, and his sister are the best kids ever - the worst trouble? He got red carded at a football match and was suspended by the SFA. We were so proud of him for standing up for himself, the Suspension Notice from the SFA is in our Memory Book!

He is a crazy mad boy, and the house will be quieter without him. However the fridge will be full, and his bedroom will not stink.

My job is to raise healthy, hopeful, and confident young adults.

And the day that he steps on that plane to Canada, I will be able to say (albeit through veils of tears), is "my job is done".

PS - If anyone wants to contribute to his sponsorship, my letterbox is open. :-)

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