live and love your life

By Chocolatelover


then suddenly become a model.
a model for magazines of plants. lol :)))
no, but maybe for men's magazine someday. just his wish i think.haha :)) XD

after the first class from 9am till 12pm, we had a long enough time interval that is 5 hours, we waited for five hours for the next class is at 5 pm.
we got kinda bored having 5 hour break, maybe not him but me because he had to do the task groups, my bestfriend is one group with him, so while killing time waiting for the next class, I joined with them and not only did their task group but also took photos with me and one of photo became like this. then after few hour, me and my bestfriends went to Internet cafes to register and fill out our new class schedule for next semester. yaaaakkk...say hi to my thesis, will be working on you next semester. then at 5pm we continued our course again, and then at 7pm we came home. horaaaayy ..

hope you all had a good day!

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