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Quick Trip

We have some very dear friends here visiting us this week from the East Coast and decided we should do a little boating with them today. As things were getting packed up for the trip, a quick look at the projected weather for the day was done. In spite of the news of a storm coming our way for the afternoon, around 1, we decided to make a quick run in the river. We put the boat in, took a quick trip up to the Columbia River...did a few loops in the water and came back to the dock...all in all just a little less than an hour. The beautiful blue sky we started with pretty quickly started turning dark, we got the boat out and before we got it put away at home the rains started! First time the weathermen truly hit the nail on the head! Glad we took the quick run though! Plans for tomorrow are for a few more indoor type activities as the weather sounds about the same as today.

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