
By Lynn

Childhood Memories 1960's Era

Do you ever have a memory as a child that you never ever forget? Mine is tied in with this building. As a child aged about 10 together with a much older friend (whom my mother did not like) we went out of the suburbs of Birmingham in to the surrounding countryside, in search of ponies in the farmers fields we could sneak rides on, as we had no money on us to pay at a riding stables. We wandered miles, over the hours and got lost, and I can remember knocking on this door of this once beautiful farm house, crying because I was lost and asking the lady if she could direct me home. It was about a 6 mile trek back, I was already exhausted from hours of walking. I was so glad to reach the safety of home.

Can any of us today, even with our kids having mobile phones imagine letting our children out of our sight for hours and not knowing where they are. I am surprised I survived my childhood some of the things I got up.

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