The other side
Finished off a few jobs this morning and, as we'd got through most of the work yesterday, we had time for a walk along the beach before heading back over the river. This shot looked American somehow. I'd been a bit down on the town we might move too, but think I might have to reconsider: the beach is huge, wonderfully peaceful and clean. There is a fabulous playground by the beach (two, actually) with an outdoor gym right by it. Loads of shops including, wonderfully, a Greggs*.
The downside is the big power station at the end of the beach, but I'm one of those weird people who find power stations fascinating to look at (and, of course, it'll be an easy sunset blip standby).
Back in Edinburgh we had a quick lunch with Mr B's parents, then home to East Lothian to get ready for school and real life.
*For those who don't know the wonder that is Greggs, it's a bakery. I'm sure it's single-handedly to blame for Scotland's obesity problem. Their stuff just tastes so good.
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